About Brandon

Brandon Gregory

Have you ever wanted to be a movie buff but didn’t know where to start? That’s the predicament I found myself in around December, 2016. I loved talking about movies and discovering great ones, but I didn’t have a vast knowledge of cinema and classic films. I decided to change that. I did some research and put together a list of must-see movies, some of which I had seen, some of which I had never heard of. This site is a collection of my reviews and thoughts as I work my way through that list.

But where are my manners? I’m Brandon. I live in Kansas City where I make websites and write about things like web development, people skills, and mental health. I’m also a musician and play with a few bands around here. Writing has always been a passion of mine, though, leading me to get a bachelor’s degree in English. You can find links to more of my writing on BrandonGregoryCreative.com.

Picking a favorite movie is difficult. Can I give you three?

Lost in Translation connected with me on a very deep level. Every time I watch it, I get these strong emotions that I can’t explain. A beautiful movie that captures how it feels to be alone even when you’re surrounded by people, and the sweet comfort of being with someone who knows the pain without having to state it.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is both hilarious and subtly sad and emotional. Zissou goes to great lengths to chase after the life he wishes he had after pursuing the life he thought he wanted. And director Wes Anderson (my favorite!) brings his trademark style and art direction to make this pleasing to the senses as well as the heart.

Roman Holiday is the movie that got me hooked on classic films, and it’s absolutely perfect. There are so many great and beautiful things about this movie that I can’t possibly list them. If you or someone you know has not been able to get into classic movies, start with this one. It does not disappoint.

Whether you’re a film buff or a complete newbie, I’m hoping you can join me on my little adventures in film appreciation. Thanks for reading!